Districts for Impact is an initiative focused on sharing and promoting promising instructional leadership practices and structures across school districts. Impact Florida created this program with the goal of connecting districts in a peer-to-peer learning community that catalyzes positive change for students across the state.
Each Districts for Impact Learning Cadre is unique in membership, topical focus, and duration, as well in the supports provided and specific cadre activities. To date, two cadres have been formed with additional ones planned in the future.
Professional Learning Cadre
Impact Florida’s Professional Learning Cadre members will learn to identify and disrupt inequitable systems and policies related to instructional materials implementation and share best practices and learnings with other districts to facilitate change management and the sustainability of this work. Teams of key leaders from each district will be supported in how to better understand the complexity of student identities and more intentionally create equity and access for all students.
Data Impact Cadre
This cadre was designed as a “sprint” learning experience, offering four virtual learning sessions over the course of just six weeks. The four school districts of the Data Impact Cadre set out to understand what effective continuous improvement and data literacy looks like, understand the conditions necessary for effective continuous improvement, and apply their knowledge to identify potential solutions to gaps in student performance on the Algebra I end-of-course exam.
COVID Recovery Cadre
Education leaders from four school districts engaged in a continuous improvement model to solve for COVID learning loss in Pre-Algebra and Algebra. Each district is implementing an intervention during SY 2020-2021 based directly on their unique problem statement and root cause analysis.
High-Quality Instructional Materials Cadre
Between February 2020 and March 2021, the High-Quality Instructional Materials Cadre will bring together education leaders from seven districts to participate in a series of convenings and learning walks, as well as receive focused technical assistance as they create and execute a plan to select high-quality instructional materials.
Five Conditions Cadre
Between October 2019 and February 2020, our first learning cadre focused on the Five Conditions That Support Great Teaching. Education leaders from five school districts participated in a series of Learning Walks where each school district shared one of its promising practices related to a specific condition, and sought feedback about how to improve.